Anxiety Symptoms

Anxiety Symptoms : The symptoms of anxiety and its effects and disorders

Anxiety Symptoms: Usually, when you suffer the first symptoms of anxiety, no one knows what is happening to you.

Everyone has heard about anxiety, however no one knows how really unpleasant the symptoms of anxiety are, until they suffer from them in their own flesh.

Anxiety can manifest its first symptoms in a very varied way. Currently, according to the latest studies conducted on generalized anxiety disorders, there are more than 50 symptoms related to anxiety.

To all these, a series of irrational fears are also added, which disable the person to carry out a normal life. We will also talk about all of them later.

This is not to say that a person suffering from anxiety suffers from all of them. In fact, depending on the person, the symptoms always vary although in general, there are some of these symptoms, which are undoubtedly common for everyone who suffers from an anxiety disorder.

Below we will make a detailed list of the most common symptoms of anxiety.

Anxiety Symptoms, the most common:

  • Tachycardias and palpitations: The heart begins to beat hard and quickly.
  • Dizziness and feeling of mental lightheadedness: Undoubtedly a very characteristic symptom of anxiety.
  • Blurred Vision: Vision becomes blurred, sometimes patients describe this symptom as if they have sand in their eyes and need to blink many times to focus their eyesight.
  • Tightness, pains and punctures in the chest: Another of the things that patients with anxiety usually suffer are punctures, pains and tightness in the chest. This symptom of anxiety is usually accompanied by a horrible fear of being able to suffer a heart attack.
  • Feelings of unreality (derealization): Many patients describe this symptom as the most horrible that anxiety can cause them. It’s as if everything we are living is like a dream, or as if we see things like a movie. As if everything we see is unreal. This symptom is known in psychiatry as “derealization” (alteration of the perception of reality)
  • Insomnia, nightmares, sleep disorders: It is very common when you have anxiety, seeing sleep affected with nightmares, difficulty sleeping, night shocks, etc.
  • Not recognizing oneself (depersonalization): Depersonalization is another symptom of anxiety. Whoever suffers from it is as if he does not recognize himself. Looking in the mirror, we see ourselves, but we do not fully recognize ourselves. We’re feeling something weird.
  • Numbness of limbs: The limbs become numb and it gives us the feeling that they remain cold, without strength.
  • Uncontrollable obsessive thoughts: These are uncontrollable thoughts, usually negative things, that come to our head at all times and we cannot concentrate to do anything, they remain all day and create great tension and anguish. Once the anxiety subsides, these thoughts also disappear completely.
  • Muscle pain: Another of the most common symptoms of anxiety is muscle pain. Due to the great tension we have, our muscles tighten and contract causing acute pain. Mostly it occurs in the back and neck area.
  • Sweating: Sweating is also another very common symptom of anxiety. The very state of nerves, makes us start to sweat. The same way it happens when we exercise.
  • Digestive problems: We feel cramps, upset stomach, sometimes constipation or on the contrary diarrhea. Another digestive symptom that anxiety creates is a sharp pain in the upper stomach area.
  • Feeling of lack of air: Feeling as if we could not breathe and as if we lack air. Usually a tightness is felt where the neck ends and the chest begins. This is another of the symptoms of anxiety that is usually accompanied by a horrible fear of being able to die.
  • Panic attacks: Or also known as anxiety attacks. These are specific moments in which the patient suffers a crisis in which he suffers from several of the symptoms described above.
  • Headache: Headaches are also very common when suffering from generalized anxiety disorder. Due to the mental daze, we sometimes feel headaches focused on certain parts.
  • All these symptoms are very common when suffering from generalized anxiety disorder. When we suffer any of them because of this disorder, we should not worry since they are not dangerous. When anxiety disappears, all these symptoms also disappear.

Irrational fears as anxiety symptoms

As we said before, all these anxiety symptoms, in the vast majority of cases, are also joined by a series of “irrational fears”, also the result of anxiety itself.
Below we will cite some of these fears. Irrational fears as symptoms of generalized anxiety:

  • Fear of going crazy: It is a very common symptom. It is usually accompanied by derealization and depersonalization. The patient suffers from a horrible fear of being able to go crazy, to lose control, to harm someone or himself, etc.
  • Fear of being able to die: When many of the symptoms described above appear, it is very common to feel a horrible fear of being able to die.
  • Fear of losing control: Disillusioned by a patient “it’s as if at any moment I could lose control of my actions and do something horrible.” It is necessary to know that at no time anxiety is going to make us lose control of our actions no matter how much fear we have.
  • Fear of suffering a heart attack: It is a very typical fear when the patient presents symptoms such as tachycardias, palpitations or pains and punctures in the chest.
  • Fear of sleeping: It is also very normal to have a horrible fear of sleeping and that something horrible happens while we sleep.
  • Fear of leaving home: Known as “agoraphobia” is a very common fear nowadays and many people who suffer from anxiety end up developing this phobia as an added symptom to anxiety.
  • Fear of the future: Feeling a horrible fear and worry about the future. Questions are often asked such as “what will happen if….?”, “what if something happens to me and…?”
  • Fear of getting dizzy and fainting: This fear is usually accompanied by certain symptoms of anxiety such as the feeling of dizziness, lightheadedness, etc.
  • Fear of driving: For fear that anxiety will appear and that something may happen
  • Fear of drowning or not being able to breathe: This fear is related to the symptom described above.
  • Fear of swallowing or choking: It is a fear of being able to choke when swallowing. This fear is often accompanied by a feeling of tightness in the throat.
  • Fear of certain places: Depending on the patient, fears of very small spaces, very large spaces, spaces where there are many people such as shopping centers, busy streets, etc. can be suffered.
  • All these fears are also part of the anxiety symptoms, although I personally like to isolate on the one hand the fears and on the other hand the symptoms.

Of course they can disappear with effort. Once we manage to cure our anxiety, absolutely all the symptoms disappear by themselves. It is foolish to focus on curing symptoms and fears in isolation.

The only effective thing is to cure the anxiety at the root and in that way, all the anxiety symptoms disappear by themselves.

Anxiety Attacks Symptoms

Having an anxiety attack can be one of the most terrifying moments in a person’s life. Anxiety attacks symptoms can be difficult to recognize at the beginning as you are not really sure what is happening to your body or to your mind. All you feel is a loss of control.

The physical symptoms of anxiety attacks are caused by the brain sending messages to parts of the body to prepare for the “fight or flight” response. Your organs such as your heart, lungs and other parts of the body begin to work faster, as the brain releases hormones and adrenaline. The symptoms that manifest from this fear rush can often make the anxiety sufferer feel like they’re dying.

Anxiety Disorder ↗

Know more about Anxiety Disorder and symptoms, how to solve this social problem

Causes of Anxiety ↗

Anxiety is determined by primitive causes and had a purpose, to prepare the body to fight or flee in the face of imminent danger.

Anxiety Medication ↗

The psychopharmacological treatments currently used by psychiatry act chemically on the neurotransmission systems

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Common Anxiety Attacks Symptoms:

  • Increased Heartbeat – People who suffer anxiety attacks often describe their heart beating very fast or out of control or palpitating. A person can also feel chest pain. These anxiety symptoms are often mistaken for heart attacks, sending many people each year to the emergency room in fear.
  • Difficulty breathing – When you’re having a panic attack it may feel as if something heavy is weighing down your chest making it very hard to take deep breaths.
  • Difficulty swallowing or dry mouth – Often when you are having an attack you can feel a lump in your throat which can make it even more difficult to breath or swallow. Some people also report a choking sensation.
  • Perspiring – People who suffer from panic attacks often report that they get the chills and cold sweats or experience hot flashes.
  • Upset stomach or nausea – If you suddenly feel sick to your stomach combined with the other symptoms we’ve mentioned then you may be suffering from a panic attack.
  • Dizziness or lightheadedness – These are almost always a sign of a panic attack. Often this makes people want to sit down because they feel like they are going to faint.
  • Numbness or a tingling sensation in your face and limbs.
  • Depersonalization and/or derealization – Depersonalization is when you feel disconnected from your body. You feel extremely out of control. Derealization is when it feels as if reality has been distorted or suspended. The walls or the space around you may become wavy or unfocused and you have difficulty walking. Light and sound can also get distorted. These are both extremely common symptoms of an anxiety attack.

Please see a doctor if you’ve experienced any of the above anxiety symptoms. Anxiety and panic disorders are treatable when properly diagnosed. And a diagnosis puts you back in control and moves your forward towards recovery and freedom.

Panic attacks don’t often come with warning signs or triggers that they’re going to occur but you can learn effective techniques to avoid them and never have a panic attack again.

anxiety symptoms chemistry brain of human image
anxiety symptoms human image

Anxiety and Panic Attacks Review

Anxiety Cures To Help You Find Freedom Anxiety and Panic Attacks
Has Anxiety taken over your life? Have you reached a point where anxiety attacks are stopping you from living the life you deserve? Are you looking for any anxiety cures that are proven to be effective?

Welcome to the Anxiety Cures Blog. You have found a safe and welcoming place on the web to find products and natural anxiety remedies that help you to regain your freedom from your anxiety attacks symptoms.

I experienced social anxiety symptoms and panic attacks for many years in my life, so I know how scary and debilitating they can be. I’m happy to say that I now live a life of freedom and joy. I’m confident you can do the same. The first step is to make the choice to change your life and move forward with courage. My goal is assist you in finding anxiety cures to improve your mental health.

Anxiety Cures Freedom
Living in fear can feel like being in a prison. With all of the stresses of modern day living, anxiety attacks are a common problem for many people. Panic attacks occur when the stress and pressure we live with starts to overwhelm you and manifest as physical symptoms. For some people, anxiety attacks can even lead to serious disorders such agoraphobia, meaning you can actually be terrified to leave your home if your anxiety is not treated properly. Nobody wants to live with that kind of limitation.

Thankfully there are effective anxiety cures. It is often just a matter of learning to recognize the anxiety symptoms and learn effective ways to release yourself from the effects that anxiety attacks bring into your life.

In this blog, I will review some of the best anxiety cures on the market, including anxiety natural remedies, hypnosis for anxiety, herbal anxiety remedies, exercise, relaxation breathing techniques and psychotherapeutic tools. These treatments all try to do one thing -reduce the anxiety symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder and eliminate the condition from your life.

Imagine a life where you don’t have to constantly look over your shoulder with worry. By finding anxiety cures that work for you , you will finally wake up and be happy to face the day with excitement.

See also Anxiety Disorder

Today is a new day…

Let’s make today the start of a lifetime full of good days, and start living the life you deserve.