
The causes of anxiety, which lead us to this state of agony

Causes of anxiety : Anxiety is determined by primitive causes and had a purpose, to prepare the body to fight or flee in the face of imminent danger. The problem is, today, nothing happens around us that causes the body to react in this way, there are no more primitive predators from which it was necessary to flee.


Anxiety, like fear, is an expression of the body that is unpleasant to us; the difference between the two is that fear is justified while anxiety feels fear but without anything provoking it.

Anxious people are usually restless, they walk from one side to the other, they pull their clothes and even their hair desperately looking for something to relieve them. The feeling of anxiety is something very difficult to explain, only those who suffer from it or have suffered it will understand it in its full context.

This discomfort usually begins slowly and apparently as something that will not make us feel bad. The nervous tension can grow gradually or for no apparent reason, present abruptly, giving rise to an anxiety or panic crisis without anything justifying it. The most common symptoms are usually palpitations, a feeling of suffocation or what specialists call “air hunger”, the feeling that not enough air reaches the lungs and the chest does not expand.

But the symptoms don’t end there. The nervous system can activate the rest of the body in an uncontrolled way, giving rise to a very common symptomatology in anxiety: sweating, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, although they do not always have to appear.

What can cause anxiety

There is a genetic predisposition, in many cases, to suffer from anxiety. When this endogenous disposition is interspersed with possible problems in childhood or with people who have difficulty coping with stressful situations, the probability of suffering from an anxious disorder is greater.

Relationship problems with others, difficult work relationships or illness can lead to a degree of stress that, if it persists, can become a disorder. The way of thinking is also a trigger. When a person suffers an anxiety crisis that can be isolated, it creates a fear of suffering it again, which causes a vicious circle between the anxiety itself and the fear that it will occur again.

This disorder that can lead to depression, can also be caused by diseases that the person suffers, such as problems with the toroid. In addition, the intake of certain medications or substances, also favor anxiety: caffeine, asthma medication or blood pressure can be added to these, people with withdrawal symptoms due to the consumption of certain substances.

Dizziness and Anxiety

Dizziness from stress, do I have anxiety?

Dizziness and Anxiety: While people who suffer from stress feel great frustrations for some reason or become angry, people who have anxiety recognize that it is a feeling very similar to fear and worry. Each person may have different reactions to stress but one of the most common is dizziness and nervous tension.

Stress and its symptoms
Stress is a feeling that can be useful but when there are high levels of stress, this normal feeling overflows and can lead to different health problems. Stress can cause headache, muscle tension and abdominal pain.

When a person has high levels of stress, he may notice how his heart rate is faster than normal and his beats are not constant; breathing becomes short, sweating, tremors and continuous dizziness occur.

Another symptom of stress is dry mouth, difficulty swallowing food, the need to urinate many times, tiredness and difficulty concentrating. Stressed people often fall asleep poorly, fall asleep during the day, have a hard time sleeping at night and have nightmares.

Stress is caused by situations that are not usual in everyday life. Alterations can be suffered in the case of moving house, changing jobs or schools, a breakup with a partner, a marriage or the loss of a loved one. Normally, very stressed people suffer from dizziness or muscle tension and are usually sad and depressed people.

There are some medications that aggravate the symptoms of stress. They are those that are used to treat asthma, thyroid, weight loss and colds. There are also some substances such as alcohol, tobacco, caffeine and drugs that can aggravate the symptoms of stress in a very alarming way.

When these symptoms are suffered continuously, it can be said that you are suffering from anxiety.

Recommendations to reduce the symptoms of stress and anxiety:

  • Stress and anxiety usually have very similar patterns that professionals detect immediately. These usually recommend:
  • Make certain changes in habits in everyday life. Exercise daily and maintain a balanced diet. Efforts should be made to eliminate caffeine, alcohol and tobacco.
  • One way to control stress and its symptoms is to practice alternative therapies such as yoga, tai-chi or meditation.
  • Chewing gum decreases pressure and stress.
  • You have to have free time for yourself every day and dedicate it to what you like the most.
  • It is very important to be able to tell another person what you feel and what you think. Dialogue brings great physical and emotional relief.
  • It is recommended that if you suffer from symptoms such as dizziness, you should consult a doctor. The professional will be the one who has to assess whether it is necessary to go to a specialist.
  • It is important to locate the origin of stress to know how it is affecting the body and how to act to overcome it definitively.

The Origin of Anxiety

The Origin of Anxiety, we are our own enemies

The Origin of Anxiety: It is clear that the pursuit of happiness is not an easy task. There are many obstacles that people encounter on our way: economic problems, problems in our environment and even illness. The question is why there are people who feel unhappy for no reason, the answer is often: You are your own worst enemy.

Loving yourself
There are people who fall into self-punishment and deny themselves the opportunity to enjoy those things that make others happy. The lack of self-esteem, the failure to recognize one’s own worth, makes a person feel insignificant when comparing himself with his peers.

For many, going through this is not easy. The person who lacks self-esteem tends to extol the virtues of others and has the ability to forgive the mistakes and defects of others regardless of the evil they may have triggered. However, they become cruel to themselves and very demanding. This behavior can plunge anyone into deep sadness, pushing them towards a depressive and neurosis disorder.

In general, this kind of behavior is most often the result of improper growth. Children who do not yet have a social conscience believe that everything belongs to them, only when they begin to socialize do they become aware that others feel the same needs as they do.

Education is a very important factor in this process. When a child is instilled with an education based on feelings full of guilt and regret by interposing his own desires or rights to that of others, it is not difficult to think that anxiety in the child will increase and the future adult will grow full of confusion.

In order to avoid feelings of guilt, the subject denies any recognition that may be made to him for a well-done action and behaves towards himself as if he were his enemy, to whom no chance can be given.


  • People with problems when it comes to having to demonstrate their skills.
  • Lack of spontaneity.
  • To think that his attitude cannot change because he has always been the way he is.

But the latter is not true. If the person realizes that he has problems, through methods that will make you to see how it performs day-to-day and how to refuse pleasures that it considers inappropriate or that does not go with your way of being, what your subconscious translates as not to deserve it, will begin to be aware of that if you face your fears and is able to “reward” their little achievements and efforts may come a day that I can gather strength to fight for what he wants and deserves.