Basic Anxiety Symptoms

The basic anxiety symptoms, most prominent that stand out

Basic anxiety symptoms: Nowadays, one of the disorders that many people suffer from is anxiety, a problem that, if not solved, can go on and cause even more serious depression and psychological states. Those who suffer from anxiety know that there are various degrees and symptoms, not everyone who suffers from anxiety has the same behavior patterns of this but we can say that there are some symptoms that can occur in this type of people.

The symptoms of anxiety are many and varied depending on the person who has the problem as we have told you before. They can be classified into several types:

  • Emotional: they can be blank or not being able to concentrate on what is being done; there is a tendency to anticipate things, always in a negative way, with the conviction that everything is wrong, that it is useless; he is constantly worried and afraid, he does not trust himself; he may have insomnia, sleep very badly, always be tired.
  • Physical: among them you can find the tingling; shortness of breath or shortness of breath that causes, in some cases, attacks are more serious (as if to close the throat and does not pass the air leaving you with a feeling of drowning because you can’t breathe); dizziness or rapid heartbeat, feel your chest is going to explode, he is afraid of heart attacks; sweating; muscle aches; nausea or vomiting; they can even develop bruxism, the teeth both by day and by night without a cause, but being able to do damage to the teeth.
  • Social: such as having difficulties talking or relating to other people; getting nervous when being with a lot of people; not having an opinion or talking, not asserting their rights or asking for something out of fear of what they may say to you; etc.

Each anxiety sufferer is different and not all the symptoms develop but we can tell you that it comes out.

Detect and calm anxiety

How to detect and calm anxiety, some important steps

Detect and calm anxiety: Anxiety is one of the worst diseases that can occur to you because, many times, if you are not prepared, it can give you an anxiety crisis that is difficult to stop and that can reduce the strength you have as well as the desire. That’s why, detecting and calming anxiety is something you should do either for yourself or for someone close to you.

In general, the signs that can indicate an anxiety crisis are the following:

  • Tachycardia, which occurs when the heart beats very fast and makes it even hyperventilating.
  • Shortness of breath caused by the above.
  • Blurred vision and excessive sweating (because you are hyperventilating and it is difficult for you to get oxygen where it should).
  • Cramps and a feeling of numbness.

Normally anxiety is caused by the stress of life as well as by other problems that can aggravate such as losing a loved one, having work or personal problems with the partner, illness, etc. It is also true that, on some occasions, genetics also plays against because it makes people more predisposed to anxiety because of the personality and genetics they have.

If you have anxiety or know someone who has it, to calm an attack of this disease can be:

  • Perform a physical activity, something that makes you have your head somewhere else and at the same time the body feels useful and fit.
  • Dedicate time to yourself: try taking a bath, going with friends, taking a trip without worries.
  • Plan realistic goals that you can really fulfill them since, otherwise, it is better not to do too many so as not to get stressed.
  • Relax through meditation.
  • Do not give in to fear, take control and try to face those situations that come to you, even if you don’t like them.

How to Control Anxiety

5 keys to know how to control Anxiety

How to Control Anxiety: How unpleasant the feeling of anxiety can be!. Only those of us who have had it know what we are talking about. I want to leave you 5 keys that can be very helpful when you want to stop that feeling of anxiety that threatens to appear. It is important to learn techniques and tools that help us control anxiety both physically and mentally. We’ll start with the physical part: Get moving and exercise. It seems that this already sounds topical, but it is vitally important and exercise is one of the best self-treatments available for anxiety. Choose the one you like best or the one that best suits your day to day, no matter if it is a ride journal, go to aerobics classes, play paddle tennis, cycling, running… what is important is that you do it regularly, if it can be daily much better. See for yourself how when you “move” anxiety and worry cease. And why is this happening? well, because exercise stimulates the production of neurochemicals and burns stress hormones, so anxiety symptoms are reduced. Come on… start thinking about what the chosen exercise is going to be and, go for it!.

Recommendation: It is important that people who suffer from any physical problem consult with their doctor about the most appropriate exercise.Get enough sleep and eat right. Getting the right amount of sleep (neither too much nor too little) is vital. Sometimes it is necessary to do some kind of relaxation in order to fall asleep well. It would be very good if you informed yourself about different relaxation techniques in order to practice assiduously the ones you like the most. Did you know, for example, that deep breathing helps to relax an important nerve, which goes from the diaphragm to the brain, sending a message of relaxation and calm to the whole body?.

It is also vital that you have an adequate diet. To cope with high levels of stress, the body requires high reserves of type B vitamins. Some of the foods with the highest contents of this vitamin are fish, red meat, cereals, legumes and especially vegetables such as broccoli, spinach and asparagus. Potassium is also a fundamental element for strengthening the nervous system. Bananas are the best natural source of potassium.

And finally… did you know the relaxing effect of oysters?. Well, yes, since it is the food with the most amount of zinc, which is a mineral with a calming effect on the body. Other sources of zinc are for example nuts or beans. Learn to breathe. Many times we are not aware of what our breathing changes when we feel anxiety. I invite you to observe how your breathing is the next time you feel anxious. You probably notice that you take short, quick breaths and take in more oxygen than you need. This is hyperventilation, and it is the cause of many of the symptoms of anxiety attacks.

Try to focus on your breathing, and realize that the more you slow it down, the less oxygen you bring to the lungs quickly and immediately, and the longer you make the exhalations, the better you will feel and you will manage to control that incipient anxiety.Direct your thoughts (be the one in charge and not them). Anxiety is often accompanied on many occasions by that “cricket Nugget” or internal dialogue that we have with ourselves, which is usually loaded with negative and catastrophic talks. The first step to overcoming this dialogue is simply to become aware of it. So let’s take out the magnifying glasses and observe… just by doing that a renewing effect arises in our anxiety and we will realize that simply the fact of observing the thought makes them disappear … disintegrate…

And finally I suggest that… Face the sensations, don’t avoid them! If you realize, in the previous point I told you not to try to change or remove a thought from your mind, probably if you do, it will become stronger and more persistent. The same thing often happens with the sensations and symptoms of anxiety. When you make enormous efforts to combat them, they become stronger, while if you accept them as they are, they tend to decrease. So when you notice feelings or symptoms of anxiety again, try to remind yourself “these are just sensations, just as they come and go… they’re not going to kill me”, and move on. The more you challenge those feelings the more you will manage to weaken them.

The collector of anxious moments

Sounds more like a movie title than an article, right?. With this title I have tried to summarize my current philosophy of life, a philosophy that helps me to keep anxiety at bay and to enjoy tranquility as I had not done for a long time.


I tell you that 5 years ago in my life there was such a degree of anxiety that there was not a gram more stress and tension. At that time my dedication was “collecting stones for my particular backpack”. Just like that. Every time I anticipated future events, recreating myself in that they were the most catastrophic possible, every time I did that it was as if I threw a huge STONE at my back, (in fact, physically my back suffered more and more until I finally had to go through surgery, incredible no?). Well, going back to my particular backpack, I will say that I was aware of what I was doing, that constantly worrying about what would happen in the future was killing me and my health, both physical and emotional, but I didn’t know how to stop doing it!!.

There came a moment when I realized that BEING IN THE PRESENT, in the NOW, I didn’t feel that tension or that anxiety. Every time my tensions appeared I caught myself thinking about tomorrow again, so I forced myself to return to the NOW, to the moment. Little by little I was turning this into a habit. The more I was in the NOW the better I was feeling… and currently it is a real pleasure for me to “catch moments”. Many times a day I save any moment when it feels good, first I recognize it, enjoy it and remind myself: What is happiness?…THIS MOMENT.

I have to admit that my MOMENTS backpack is light, it doesn’t hurt me at all if not quite the opposite, it helps me to feel good and above all to feel grateful, which does nothing but attract more “magical” moments to my life…

I propose that you begin to create a routine-like, every time I feel a moment is special, whatever it is, a hug, a sunset, a walk in the countryside, a conversation with friends, a career with your pet, a good book, a laugh… “catch the fly” that moment, he gives thanks for it, recreáte to live it and enjoy it… with that you get to be in the PRESENT in a way that much more intense!!. And being in the present moment, anxiety has no place…

Really, what is happiness?, I guess there will be as many definitions as there are people, basically because everyone happiness can be something different. But beyond personal goals, after a few years offering coaching sessions to different people, I have seen a common link in all of them, and that is that deep down what brings us the greatest happiness is to be at peace with oneself. And on the other hand, suffering anxiety is what most distances us from that well-being and calmness with ourselves. But what is it that prevents us from feeling at peace?. There is a phrase by Gandhi that seems to me to sum up in a spectacular way where happiness resides, and it is the following: “Happiness is when what you think, what you say and what you do are in harmony”.

It could not be said in a clearer and more precise way. Problems arise when a conflict is created between any of these variants. I suggest you think for a moment, are you acting in your life as you really feel?, are you doing all those things that you would like, that are in your thinking, but for some reason you don’t dare to put them into practice?, analyze what is generating that internal conflict and become aware that YOU and only YOU have the power to make the decision you need. In coaching sessions, when we start delving into those internal parts that we have “blocked”, most of the time it is only necessary to bring them out into the light and look them in the face, without fear, put ourselves in front of them and become aware. This is a fundamental step to be able to start putting order in our life.

Panic attacks

Tips for managing panic attacks

Panic attacks: Anxiety attacks, also known as panic attacks, are a biological response, also known as a fight-or-flight reaction. It is a set of physical reactions that prepare you for danger (real or imaginary). The heart speeds up, adrenaline is released into the blood, the blood vessels of the legs dilate to allow an increased supply of blood and oxygen to the muscles of the legs. All this is experienced in the form of unpleasant bodily sensations such as great pressure in the chest, palpitations, shortness of breath, sweating, tremors, dizziness and a paralyzing feeling in the face of fear.

These anxiety attacks are one of the most frequent reasons for visiting emergency rooms among young people. Most people have at least one attack at some point in their life. Usually, these attacks occur after a terrifying or dangerous event, but in some people, attacks can occur without warning. While having a panic attack can be a scary experience, there are some things you can do to control and prevent it.

If you think you are having an anxiety attack, the first thing you should do is repeat to yourself that everything will be fine. A person experiencing intense panic is very likely to assume that the worst is going to happen and may even be able to believe that they are about to die or that they are in serious danger, but keep in mind that the attack itself cannot kill you. Don’t try too hard to fight the symptoms, because they can make the feeling of fear worse. Although during a panic attack anyone can feel as if they are about to die or lose consciousness, it is only a physical sensation.

Undoubtedly the worst part of such an attack is the worry about what is going to happen. Worry can increase and increase the symptoms that are already coming on. To help calm the progressive feeling of terror, you have to focus on what is really happening instead of thinking about what could happen, because what happens when your thoughts tend to be catastrophic and irrational? Well, obviously the body is going to react with more anxiety.

Try to keep your mind occupied while the physical symptoms pass, doing a simple mental activity, such as counting backwards two by two starting from 100. The idea is that you have to think about something concrete, which requires a certain mental effort of concentration to divert attention from negative thoughts. If you can figure out a practical “safety action” that you can take during attacks, such as calling someone on the phone or repeating some comforting phrase, that will help you fight the craving and make the panic attack end faster. The main thing is to keep your attention focused on something other than the thoughts responsible for anxiety.

Make sure that it is something that can be done anywhere, even if you are alone, especially so that it does not cause you more panic when you find yourself unable to perform the action that makes you feel safe.

If it happens to you that you experience an attack in public, first find a place to sit, if possible, and if someone asks you what the problem is, you can choose to briefly explain to him what is happening to him. If you feel embarrassed, however, realize that most people will not be able to tell that you feel terribly bad, simply by seeing you. And even if they realize that you have a panic attack, nothing happens, people do not attach such importance to the things that happen to others.

A person suffering from this problem may seem a little dazed, shaky and having trouble explaining exactly what is happening to him, but most of all he will look just as he looks at any other time.Anxiety attacks are very common, and it is possible that someone among those present can give references about what you are experiencing. As you have seen in other blog articles, there are many treatment options and medications available and effective to calm the symptoms. There is no reason why you can’t learn to manage anxiety attacks or why you are afraid to control your life.

Contractures as a result of anxiety

Contractures as a result of anxiety, the tension reflected in the body.

Contractures as a result of anxiety: When you are afraid or afraid of not controlling things, when the day to day surpasses you and so many problems come over you, one of the reactions that your body may have is anxiety, an emotion that tells you that you have to stop and think about what is happening.

Anxiety makes you want to control everything, not trust anyone and be in a continuous state of alert that is a great wear, both mental and physical. And it is in the physical that it manifests itself with muscle contractures.

Have you ever had contractures in your neck or back at times when anxiety has been present? If the answer is yes, you are facing a consequence of that problem that you have that, if not relieved, the pain can go to more, either physical and / or mental.

How to relieve anxiety contractures
Today there are treatments for anxiety that help people improve their condition. It is true that anxiety is not usually permanent but occurs at certain times, when you have more work, when there are personal or professional problems, or some unforeseen event. Medication, with relaxants, is the most effective, as well as exercises such as yoga.

As for contractures, physical exercise (swimming, pilates) or physiotherapy are two examples that can help improve them since, when the body is in tension and alert due to anxiety, the muscles harden and cause the movement to slow down, hence the contractures when wanting to move them.

In most cases, these pains usually disappear when the anxiety goes away since they are symptoms of this problem. For this, it is best to go to an expert who can help you treat the problems and the way to take them to avoid the anxiety you feel

Losing weight because of Anxiety

Losing weight due to Anxiety, one more symptom that warns of the problems and effects

Losing weight due to Anxiety: When you want to lose weight, many times you go on diets to lose it, some of them dangerous, others easier to do. However, there are cases in which you can lose weight without dieting: it is the so-called anxiety weight loss and, if it is not caught on time, it can cause a serious problem in the body, by losing weight due to anxiety as a symptom.

Losing weight due to anxiety
Weight loss due to anxiety usually occurs in adults and involves a loss of body weight, not only of fat, but also of muscles, thereby causing an increase in infections and a possibility of depression.

Stress, problems, not seeing the solution to the issues you have to solve, etc. causes a reaction in the body that causes it to close to food and, without being hungry, the body refuses to eat food which causes drastic weight loss but, at the same time, endangers the whole body.

Sometimes, even eating, stress causes all possible calories to be burned (whether you exercise or not) but, in the long run, when the situation recovers and anxiety is stopped, the body regains the weight.

Where does anxiety occur?
Anxiety occurs in the brain but affects the whole body. In general, people who suffer from anxiety have difficulties in the digestive system, abdominal discomfort and decreased appetite.

Situations such as skipping meals, eating fast and drinking a lot of coffee or caffeinated drinks, increasing exercise or taking food supplements are some of the behaviors that this type of people have but it is not a healthy way to lose weight. That is why, if the behavior is maintained over time, it is best to try to solve it