Types of Anxiety

Some types of anxiety and interesting concepts to know

Types of anxiety: Is there more than one kind, or are there many types of anxiety? This is not an uncommon question in medical and psychological consultations in our cities. And there is more than one evil lurking: panic, phobias, alternating states of behavior and behavior, anxiety, stress and so many others are all increasingly frequent social evils in our cultures. And, in the search for a solution to each of these ills, the first step you should take is to know this silent enemy, recognize it from its similar ones, and thus give an effective and specific solution for each of the types of anxiety that may be afflicting your life.

Although there are various distinctions that can be made, to designate the different types, we will order this note with six basic distinctions, in which the most common panic disorders, anxiety and phobias in our societies can be gathered or grouped.

Types of Anxiety disorders list

1) Panic attacks
This first distinction describes the individual pictures or panic episodes. They can occur in a single time, or add up to become or develop a panic disorder. Its symptoms include: dizziness, nausea, vomiting, palpitations, chest pain, sweating, shortness of breath, a feeling of fear with or without a specific cause, adrenaline rush or activation of the “fight or flight” response, fading of limbs or the whole body, a feeling of suffocation, temporary deafness and others.

2) Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD).
The GAD a little wider, characterized by constant worry or permanent awareness of this condition. It is one of the most widespread types of anxiety in our times, and it usually becomes a chronic condition.

3) Obsessive compulsive disorder.
It includes behavioral symptoms or behavior, mostly repetitive, under the notion that ”failure to comply” there will be consequences. They are evident with the naked eye and, generally, it is one of the few types of anxiety of constant action, for example, every time the individual washes his hands, opens a door (for example, he “has” to open it two or three times in a row) and other behaviors observable with the naked eye.

4) Phobias.
These are conditions of specific fear, with known or unknown causes. They can have as a trigger a specific element (an insect, open spaces, people of certain characteristics -foreigners, of another race, etc.-, electricity or artifacts and others) or an undetermined sense of threat.Other distinctions or types of anxiety. As we saw, there are various classifications for the types, such as the distinction made from the field most affected for the individual. Among these classifications, we can mention:

  • Anxiety disorder with no specific cause
  • Social anxiety disorder
  • Panic disorder
  • Mixed disorders (anxiety, stress, panic, separation and others)
  • Separation disorder
  • Post traumatic stress disorder
  • Crisis of anguish
  • Specific phobias
  • Social phobias

Internal dialogue and happiness

Internal dialogue and happiness, the way to prepare the road map in our lives.

Internal dialogue and happiness: Whether we like it or not our happiness depends on what we constantly tell ourselves, in short, on our internal dialogue. That is why it is so important to know how to “relate” to ourselves and be very careful with the orders we give to our brain, since we are ultimately risking our emotional well-being!.

Now is when I’m going to tell you something that will sound strange to many of you and even a priori you won’t believe it, but it’s true. Our brain does not understand the word NO. Incredible isn’t it?. The most unbelieving of you will think if I have gone crazy for a moment, but nothing better than to prove it so that you take seriously what I have just stated. I propose the following, a visualization:

I’m going to ask you for a moment to close your eyes, you should take a couple of deep breaths and relax, now I’m going to ask you to visualize a tree on your mental screen. A large, leafy tree, with a large trunk, the tree has many green leaves, the leaves move with a light running breeze. Now I’m going to ask you NOT to see a red apple hanging on the tree. Don’t see a red apple.

What happened?… already, I know, now you smile because in your head you have visualized that red apple right? here is the proof of what I was saying. The brain does not understand the word NO, what it does is that it translates every word into symbols and images, but the negative expression of NO, does not have a representation in images for our brain. Curious, right?.

So it is essential that any order you want to give to your brain is always positive. For example, if you have children and you want them to stop running around the house making a fuss, don’t tell them DON’t RUN!, probably what will happen will be that they run even more. Try to give them the positive command of what you want them to do, for example, TO SLOW DOWN. The same goes for what one says to oneself. What if from now on, instead of telling yourself “DON’T BE NERVOUS”, try telling yourself “BE CALM”… you can make a big difference!.

It’s amazing the power that gratitude can have, something as simple as feeling grateful for everything you have can transform self-destructive emotions into healing emotions.

And what is so important about gratitude? You say thank you for everything you have, whatever it is, family, friends, your pet, the simple fact of being alive, being able to enjoy a sunny afternoon, being able to share a coffee with a good friend, having a job, health, being able to contemplate a sunset, etc. The list can be endless and everyone, absolutely everyone has a thousand reasons to say thank you. So what happens when you start to become aware of the gifts in your life? well, you change the focus of your attention, and that’s the key to everything. You are no longer focusing on your problems, on your anxiety, you no longer live to anticipate what will come, but you focus on the good that you have. Automatically your emotional state changes and you begin to feel stability and tranquility.

There are many sources that demonstrate the power of gratitude and its beneficial effects, for example Robert Emmons, professor of the University of California in the city of Davis, said: “studies on the thank you are coming to the conclusion that feelings of gratitude are extremely useful to help people to face the difficulties of daily life —in particular the stress— and to raise the self-esteem”.

Time magazine adds“ “People who consider themselves grateful tend to be more vital and optimistic, suffer from less anxiety and experience fewer episodes of major depression than the general population.”

So I propose an exercise that can benefit you a lot and that in the long term can result in a profound change in your life. Get used to writing down at least 5 things for which you are grateful every day, it can be anything, but try to vary the things for which you feel gratitude every day. It is important that you write it in a blog or diary, so you can see them more clearly and day by day they will remind you of everything good you have. I assure you that your emotional state will change for the better and that in addition, gratitude is the first step to attract more of what you are grateful for in your life. So everything is yours, the decision depends on you and you have the power to check how your life changes from the very moment you start working with gratitude. In reality, few things are as simple and yet powerful as experiencing gratitude.